How To Resize Partition for Ubuntu 20.04

Step 1:

Login to your VPS via SSH.


Step 2:

Type the command and execute to check the partition and devices id :

df -h


Step 3:

The default partition name should be /dev/vda1

To verify, please list the summary of the disk partition as follows : 


Step 4:

To grow your partition you can do it, execute the following command to resize the partition:

resize2fs /dev/vda1 24G

(For example, if your purchased VPS SSD size are  25GB, type, resize should grow to 24G)


Step 5:

Verify the partition size using the following command:

df -h


If you are facing any problems, please revert back to our support team by opening a ticket for immediate assistant. 


If you have important data in the server, please do a full backup to your own storage, and please note that resize the partition at your own risk.



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