How To Request For A Service Cancellation

If you'd like to cancel your hosting services, please follow through these simple steps.


Step 1

Log in to client area using your username and password. 


Step 2

Under Services, select My Services. 


Step 3

Click to select the service you wish to cancel.


Step 4

Under Manage Product, select Request Cancellation.


Step 5

Briefly describe your reason(s) for requesting a service cancellation. Then, select your cancellation type - Immediate or End of Billing Period. 


Immediate Cancellation results in instant service cancellation once we have confirmed and verified your request.


End of Billing Period Cancellation cancels your service at the end of your billing cycle.


Finally, click Request Cancellation. 

Step 6

Did you accidentally cancelled a service?


Submit a ticket to Support before 6PM on the day of cancellation. If you neglect to do so, your service will be terminated when our scheduled cron job starts running.


Inevitably, there comes a time when we must part. Just remember that, we'll always welcome you back with open hands! All the best to you.

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